how to live with chronic pain

Coping with chronic pain

 chronic pain, Chronic pain is physically and psychologically stressful and its constant discomfort can lead to anger and frustration with yourself and your loved ones.

Chro-nic pa-in is physically and psychologically stressful and its constant discomfort can lead to anger and frustration with yourself and your loved ones. By definition, chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than six months and affects how a person lives their daily life. While physicians can provide treatment for the physical dimensions of chronic pain, psychologists are uniquely trained to help you manage the mental and emotional aspects of this often debilitating condition.

Several medical treatments may be used to alleviate chro-nic pa-in, including over-the-counter or prescription medication, physical therapy, and less utilized treatments, such as surgery. However, these options are only a few of the pieces necessary to solve the puzzle of chronic pain. Mental and emotional wellness is equally important—psychological techniques and therapy help build resilience and teach the necessary skills for management of chronic to live with chronic pain

Chro-nic pa-in is physically and psychologically stressful and its constant discomfort can lead to anger and frustration with yourself and your loved ones. By definition, chro-nic pa-in is pain that lasts longer than six months and affects how a person lives their daily life. While physicians can provide treatment for the physical dimensions of chronic pain, psychologists are uniquely trained to help you manage the mental and emotional aspects of this often debilitating condition.

Several medical treatments may be used to alleviate chro-nic pa-in, including over-the-counter or prescription medication, physical therapy, and less utilized treatments, such as surgery. However, these options are only a few of the pieces necessary to solve the puzzle of chronic pain. Mental and emotional wellness is equally important—psychological techniques and therapy help build resilience and teach the necessary skills for management of chronic pain.

Tips on coping with chronic pain

Manage your stress. Emotional and physical pain are closely related, and persistent pain can lead to increased levels of stress. Learning how to deal with your stress in healthy ways can position you to cope more effectively with your chronic pain. Eating well, getting plenty of sleep and engaging in approved physical activity are all positive ways for you to handle your stress and pain.

Talk to yourself constructively. Positive thinking is a powerful tool. By focusing on the improvements you are making (i.e., the pain is less today than yesterday or you feel better than you did a week ago) you can make a difference in your perceived comfort level. For example, instead of considering yourself powerless and thinking that you absolutely cannot deal with the pain, remind yourself that you are uncomfortable, but that you are working toward finding a healthy way to deal with it and living a productive and fulfilling to live with chronic pain

Become active and engaged. Distracting yourself from your pain by engaging in activities you enjoy will help you highlight the positive aspects of your life. Isolating yourself from others fosters a negative attitude and may increase your perception of your pain. Consider finding a hobby or a pastime that makes you feel good and helps you connect with family, friends, or other people via your local community groups or the internet.

Find support. Going through the daily struggle of your pain can be extremely trying, especially if you’re doing it alone. Reach out to other people who are in your same position and who can share and understand your highs and lows. Search the internet or your local community for support groups, which can reduce your burden by helping you understand that you’re not alone.

Consult a professional. If you continue to feel overwhelmed by chronic pain at a level that keeps you from performing your daily routine, you may want to talk with a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, who can help you handle the physical and psychological repercussions of your to live with chronic pain

APA gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Nancy Molitor, PhD, Alan Keck, PsyD, and Katherine Nordal, PhD in developing this article.

Chronic pain affects approximately 20% of the U.S. adult population. Our nation’s opioid epidemic—which intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic—has encouraged patients, clinicians, and payers to seek nonpharmacologic options to assist with managing pain.

Psychological interventions for chronic pain can reduce or eliminate the use of prescription opioids and improve patient functioning and recovery, and the U.S. Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force has recommended educating patients, clinicians, and the public about the role of psychological pain management interventions and expanding access to these services.

To address this crisis, APA is pleased to offer The Role of Psychology in Addressing Pain and Related Opioid Dependence to our State, Provincial, and Territorial Psychological Association (SPTA) partners for local delivery. This video workshop provides information on the role of psychology in the etiology, maintenance, and treatment of pain for psychologists practicing both inside and outside clinical health settings.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the fundamentals of chronic noncancer pain and its relationship to the opioid crisis.
  • Learn to incorporate basic pain evaluation and evidence-based treatment into an existing practice.
  • Learn when to refer to a pain specialist.
  • Understand pain theories and biopsychosocial approaches to care.
  • Approach pain treatment with a focus on coping and function, rather than analgesia.
  • Recognize the importance of patient and social factors.
  • Discuss ethical considerations and future directions in the to live with chronic pain
  • Review billing and reimbursement.

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